Busy Bee Instant Picture Pack No.3: Nursery Rhyme Pictures (K30)


Patrick Tilley commissioned Busy Bees Nos. 3, 8 & 9 from an artist whose initials he remembered as "PB". Unfortunately, the relevant records to identify him have been lost, but the style is familiar & hopefully you or another visitor may recognise it, & then let us (or the artist himself) know. It won't be the first time we've been given a hot lead that way! — Now read on…


UPDATE: Now, this one's tricky. Following a strong lead, I asked Sir Quentin Blake if these transfer figures were by his hand. His assistant wouldn't let me talk to him directly, but after a considerable amount of ambiguous deflection told me they were sure that "after all this time he wished me well". What could that possibly mean, other than that he had had a poor relationship with Patrick Tilley (which Patrick himself had said would be the case with all his artists, to his regret), & that he assumed I would report back to Patrick (this being before Patrick died). Obviously I don't want to pester him again… but I would say it's 99% certain Quentin Blake drew these.


These transfer figures were not drawn in his usual mature style, but this could well have been the case in order to deal with the limitations of the medium, & to fit in with the general ethos of the other Busy Bee packs. We've made careful comparisons with his early works (particularly from Punch magazines of around the same period, which unfortunately we do not have permission to reproduce here), & we've found it pretty convincing. — You be the Judge!

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Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives